
Below are the many different ways you can get involved with club programming efforts. Contact our Director of Programming, Haley Garecht,  with any questions or feedback.

Respect Life Week

Each fall, Right to Life hosts a week of programming to promote a culture of life on campus with events including a keynote speaker, a respect life Mass, social events, and service opportunities! Respect Life Week 2022 was held from September 23 - October 1 and was themed Be Not Afraid: You are Not Alone. You can read more about our programming this year and see photos from the week here!

You Are Loved Week

In the spring semester, we hold a week of programming centering on the idea that each person is loved and uniquely made and valued. Typical events held during this week include volunteer opportunities, tabling, and prayer events. You Are Loved 2022 was held April 3 - April 9 and was themed Imago Dei: You are made in the Image of God. YAL Week 2023 will be announced in the Spring semester.