Rebutting the False Pro-Abortion Narrative

Author: Merlot Fogarty

Professors Tamara Kay and Susan Ostermann published a commentary citing their faculty positions at the University of Notre Dame in which they claim to refute “lies” which the pro-life movement uses to “dictate abortion policy” in the U.S. 

Despite Notre Dame’s institutional commitment to life, these professors have again misused Our Lady’s name to endorse false information, leaving me, the President of the nation’s largest pro-life student group, obligated to refute their assertions.

Abortion Bans Prevent Abortion 

Kay and Ostermann argue that abortion restrictions “increase abortion rates, unintended pregnancies, maternal mortality and infant mortality.” On the contrary, abortion rates increase when abortion is legalized and decrease when restricted. Abortion restrictions have also been found to lower the number of unintended pregnancies due to increased use of highly-effective contraceptive methods. Additionally, studies have shown that there is actually a higher maternal mortality rate associated with abortion than with childbirth. 

Abortion Kills Babies

Because “almost 90% of abortions occur during the first ten weeks of pregnancy,” the professors argue, the “too small to be seen” blastocyst cannot be considered worth protecting. But denying that abortion takes the life of a child, at any stage, denies the reality of what abortion is: the intentional and direct killing of an innocent human being. Human life begins at conception. This was agreed upon by 96% of biologists in a survey of over 5,500 in which 85% identified as pro-choice. The terms zygote, blastocyst, embryo, fetus, and baby, all describe a distinct, living human being at different stages of development. Fertilization creates a unique set of DNA which contains a person’s entire biological makeup. These women justify killing a human being because of her age. This is discrimination.

Abortion is Dangerous

Abortion has long-term effects on physical and mental health. Following abortion, women are far more likely to develop breast cancer and 81% more likely to develop mental health problems. “Medication abortions” are not “safer than taking Tylenol.” After chemical abortion, 15.6% of women experience hemorrhaging and are four times more likely to experience complications. 

Abortion bans do not bar physicians from “delivering lifesaving care” to women. Not a single state prevents medical treatment to save the life of a mother. 

Spreading false and misleading information is a frequent practice of pro-abortion advocates, but understandably so – there is no other way to justify the direct and intentional killing of an innocent human life.

Merlot Fogarty is a junior at the University of Notre Dame studying political science, theology, and constitutional law. She is the President of Notre Dame Right to Life.